TIPS ON INFECTION: Soak Cucumber in Cold Water Overnight and Drink on an Empty Stomach to Treat these Infections

TIPS ON INFECTION: Soak Cucumber in Cold Water Overnight and Drink on an Empty Stomach to Treat these Infections

TIPS ON INFECTION: Soak Cucumber in Cold Water Overnight and Drink on an Empty Stomach to Treat these Infections

Firstly, thanks to all those people that have been following my health tips. I won’t fail to bring what will benefit everyone of us. Today I will be teaching you how cucumber when soaked in water overnight can help cure some Infection.

Method of preparation
1: Get a cucumber and wash it thoroughly.

2: Get a cold bowl of water and soak the cucumber inside. Cover it well and leave it overnight.

3: The next morning remove the cucumber from the water. You can add little milk and honey to sweeten then you drink on an empty stomach once in a day.

Health Benefits of the above mixture.

1: It totally eliminates bad breath.

2: It reduces the risk of cancer.

3:It reduces stress.

4: It regulates blood pressure.

5: It cures stomach ache /Ulcer.

6: It aids the overall well-being of the body

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