Author - providence

HEALTH HACK: Discover Types and Causes of Elephantiasis, and How to manage it.

Elephantiasis is a nematodes disease. Larva of microfilariae is the main source. Filarial worms are long and thin. It attacks the lymphatic system and subcutaneous connective tissue.Filariasis has two main types named as Onchocerca VolulusMansonella Streptocerca These species of filaria inhabit in dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The cause of elephantiasis is Wuchereria bancrofti. This species occurs in Pakistan. Other species do not exist. Man is the definitive host while the Mosquito genus CULEX is the intermediate.Filaria has separate sex. They live in...

HEALTH HACKS: Steps to take and support your wellbeing at Home and Work using this simple Hacks.

Take steps to support your wellbeing and those around you. When you woke up this morning, how did you feel? Were you tired? A bit anxious? Depressed? Or maybe you just felt a little numb and unmotivated? Covid-19, the recent riots on Capitol Hill, and the related economic downturn have taken a toll on all of us, in particular entrepreneurs and small business owners. The U.S. is experiencing levels of uncertainty and stress unlike anything we’ve known in our lifetimes. Stress is...